
10.08.2021 20:08

Viimehetken tietoa TSTOS21 osallistujille

Elias Tahvanainen

Please read the whole document as there is lots of useful information about the event and rules.

Lue koko dokumentti. Mikäli tarvitset käännösapua, niin laita siitä meille sähköposti.


Status.ehasa.org map

  • Public map is now open for anyone to look at. There are some small changes to the printed map!
  • New status.ehasa.org version is now also available on Google play
  • The app makes tracking yourself possible as well as tracking your faction’s leadership. Additionally, it is an easy way to give orders and plans for the whole faction.
  • For those who can’t use the app, can use the status.ehasa.org website, but the GPS tracking doesn’t work if the browser is closed or the tab is not active.
  • When you sign in you need to use your beta.kuulaportti.fi account!
  • Password for faction map is disabled. Log in with your account to enable the map.
  • As a player, all you have to do is check that you are logged in and press the share location button. Location information can only be accessed by the game masters and other players in your faction, if you work in leader positions or as a vehicle driver, for example.
  • We hope you download the Android app, sign in to your factions's map, and share your location. This gives the game masters and faction commander private access to your location, making it easy to track the progress of the game/locations of players and allocate resources to the right areas.


Offgame route for daytime 08-21 use

  • We have been given permission to use a road that goes through a private property in the north between Kelkutteen road and Metsäkankaan road. This way players don’t need to use larger main roads so much. Traffic is only allowed between 08-21 daily and all drivers slowly and watch out for any children/bicycles. This road is marked on status.ehasa.org map.

Off Game areas at south of game area

  • At the south of the game area there is a large Red-black offgame area, which is not allowed for players to move at all. Not with a vehicle or not on foot! This rule comes from Hämeenlinna city and they will have paid workers there whose job is to stop you and report your presence to Hämeenlinna and to us. In their eyes, any player movement there is violation between our terms and conditions with them, so don't use that area.

Black-Blue offgame area at south of game area

  • To help players move at south towards east, there is black-blue offgame area where you can move on foot/in vehicle as offgame, but we have agreed with Hämeenlinna city that all players must unload their weapons and have them on back or covered when moving on that area. This applies to all player weapons and all vehicle weapons.

Moving around the game area

  • This year you can enter/exit the game area from any direction (except previous limitations). When moving around the area, remember to follow traffic code and finnish laws. Do not go to private properties. We encourage you to be polite and inform any bypassers about the event.


  • We have added a tasks -menu to the status.ehasa.org system. You can view any task that is given by game masters or by your faction. Tasks that consider mainly your faction are also visible in your factions map.


  • Base location can be checked at: https://players.ehasa.org/
  • There is no space for off-game vehicles in base.
  • In game vehicles should have enough space in the base.
  • Game Masters won’t give special permissions to keep off-game vehicles in the base!
  • Electricity will be produced with one 5kW generator which is for HQ and loading batteries. Generator will be placed near HQ.
  • Water will be by the road next to the base.
  • Trash bags and orange bags for cans/bottles can be asked from HQ.
  • There will be bathrooms in the base, and they will be emptied on Friday. HQ will have toilet paper and disinfectant.
  • Gamemaster sauna at Palotarus centers lake serves players with the possibility to bathe.
  • Firewood is provided by Game Masters and located by the water. ALL THE UNUSED FIREWOOD MUST BE TAKEN BACK TO THE LOGVAN.
  • Hop-up adjustment area in the base will be marked on the status.ehasa.org 
  • In the base you can dig out only a little ditch around tents and the holes must be filled after the game before leaving.
  • Take care of the base in every way so we can use Padasjoki’s game area in the future!


Trash collection

  • All trash must be in CLOSED BAGS. 
  • Civilian and UN factions can leave full bags outside of their accommodation.
  • EGTC has one trash collection container frame where players should bring their trash bags.
  • Hölböcorp has a big trash frame next to their base where they can throw their bags.
  • Bottles/Cans should be put in orange bags and when the bags are full they should be brought to HQ/Accommodations. Orange bags are available at HQ/accommodation.
  • If you find trash (ex. used Paladin) during the game on the field, we ask you to help us keeping the area clean and collect it with you. This way we are guaranteed to get game areas also in the future.


No shoes inside buildings

  • In order to help out in cleaning we don’t use shoes when moving inside ingame/off game buildings. This has been notified at specific doors around the game area


  • Game master sauna will be available to all factions at Palotarus camping area, near check in. Sauna is NOT an ingame area but outside it is. Sauna is a place for peace and quiet, so do not disturb others when visiting. Sauna has showers and you can swim in the lake. Warming the sauna is the player's own responsibility as we don’t have enough GMs for that job.


First aid and emergency service

  • Game masters have first aid personnel ready at all times at registration.
  • Fire extinguishers can be found from accomodations, near water replenishment and in most game master vehicles.
  • In case of emergency, evaluate the situation and call for help (General emergency number: 112 (https://www.112.fi/download/33220_Hake_112esittely_englanti.pdf?b585a597cdd9d688) or game masters +358 400 232 630). Make sure you know your exact location and be prepared to guide the help to the site. Don’t be afraid to stop the game.
  • Game master address is: Kelkutteentie 147, 17510 Padasjoki
  • If you call general emergency number 112, make sure to inform game masters about this. All injuries, even minor ones (such as sprain ankle) should be reported to game masters.


Grill and food

  • There will be a Dogs & Deli food service serving all players near the registration area. Opening hours can be found from players.ehasa.org.


SRA Trial

  • After the event at Sunday, The Academic National Defense Association ARU ry, together with Ehasa ry, is organizing an SRA trial at the Padasjoki shooting center. The trial is intended for TSTOS 21 participating players. You can read more about it at https://tstos21.ehasa.org/?page=sra_trial

Check in

·       Check in takes place near the Sponsors area. Across the road than where it was last year.

·       Unfortunately, we have not received all the badges we ordered because of delays by our supplier. The badges were supposed to be here already week ago. There’s still a very small possibility we might get them before the event ends (Friday). Therefore, we offer you three choices:

1.   Receive your badge before the TSTOS ends or in a next Conquest(2021 Autumn) / TSTOS Event(2022?)

2.   Get a refund in cash or products

3.   Receive by mail. (Pay 2€ mailing fee and give your address at the registration)

Vehicle check in

  • All the ingame vehicles will be checked in the base on Wednesday 14-18. At this time vehicles must have faction’s marks, weapons ready for chronoing (unless they have been chronoed). Vehicle owners will sign a disclaimer form with GM during the check in.
  • Every vehicle is required to use status-app or GPS-tracker provided by Ehasa. If you manage to loose or destroy the GPS-device there’s a 150€ fee. We are collecting the user information during the vehicle check in.

Offgame vehicle parking

  • Players arriving on Tuesday can leave their vehicles at temporary parking next to check in area.
  • At 10 am. Wednesday morning, offgame vehicles must be moved to the main parking area.
  • Parking area address: Isokoivistontie 80, 17470 Padasjoki
  • There will be transportation from the main parking areas to faction bases and game masters’ area.
  • If a player must get to their offgame vehicle during the game, they have to get the transport there by themselves. Game masters might be able to transport players during the game if we are not busy.
  • Game masters will provide transport back to the parking lot on Saturday evening.
  • Game masters do not recommend leaving the game before “Game Over” since roads can’t handle large amounts of offgame vehicles at the same time.
  • Vehicles can be left in a temporary parking area for the Aftergame event.


Ehasa ry is getting rid of all old stuff

  • During these years, we have got ourselves lots of stuff we don't need anymore. But it might be useful for you or your team. First come first serve, we sell these items during the event at Game Master area next to check-in.
  • List of products and our prices: https://tstos21.ehasa.org/TSTOSmyynti.pdf




Military oriented stuff in game


Game start

  • All civilian, UN, all EGTC forces and Hölböcorp recon forces start their game at 7.00pm. 
  • Hölböcorp regular fighting units start their game at 8.00pm. 
  • There will be a yellow “front line” marked in status.ehasa.org which marks the line for EGTC forces which they cannot cross before 8.20PM.

Capture points

  • Capture points are marked at status.ehasa.org. However, changes are possible. Civilian and UN players are not normally allowed to respawn from capture points unless otherwise informed in status.ehasa.org notifications. Fighting factions are allowed to respawn in capture points. Capture points do not award any points. It is possible for civilians (green) and UN (blue) to control capture points in order to disturb the fighting factions.

Resource points

  • Resource points are marked at status.ehasa.org. They have their own meanings in terms of mining operations in Padasjoki and names to represent these meanings. However, changes are possible. It is possible for civilians (green) and UN (blue) to control capture points in order to disturb the fighting factions and receive scores from controlling the points. Respawning is not possible for any faction.
  • Scores which point produces might be manipulated during the game with specific items/work done to them. EGTC/Hölböcorp faction scores are only visible to GM and are provided to HQs sometimes/when asked. Civilian and UN scores are shown in the public.


  • Faction that controls the antenna gets intel about game missions. These intels are given at random times by GM.

Anti-tank mines

  • There is a zone marked with grey-purple next to EGTC base, which is not allowed to be mined with AT mines by any faction.

What should I do if I found an empty ingame-vehicle?

  •  Leave a note for the vehicle owner about the time when you visited the vehicle and that the vehicle has been destroyed. If you find out a note on your vehicle stating that the vehicle is destroyed follow the vehicle respawn rules.

Ehasa drone flying inside Finnish Defence Forces area

  • Like rules state, there is some restricted use of drones for players, found at: https://status.ehasa.org/?select_event=83
  • Ehasa has applied and got permission from Finnish Defence Forces that only our drone can fly inside their area. So if you see a drone inside that area, don't call us unless you really think that it is some player's drone, and not ours.


Civilian/LARP oriented stuff in game:

UN check points:

  • To limit recent violences between civilians and their employee companies, the UN has set up two checkpoints which can be seen in status.ehasa.org  . 
  • UN is searching for illegal, counterfeit, dangerous materials and all kinds of suspicious activity from people and from vehicles (GM note: Remember to read rules about searching player/vehicle)
  • UN also tries to keep EGTC and Hölböcorp military personnel away from each other to avoid open conflict. (GM note: Main factions are not let through before UN and main Factions HQs have made an agreement/contract about it)
  • Civilians are let pass if they have good reason/reputation. Civilians must give a reason and estimated duration of their visit to the other side and they must use the same checkpoint when coming back.
  • If illegal (civilian) guns are found, the UN will mark them with red tape (confisticate) and they cannot be used for the next four (4) hours! 

Civilian meeting point

  • As fighting factions main bases are off game, there is a marked civilian meeting point in status.ehasa.org where civilians should arrive and there is a phone number which to call when wanting to talk with HQ staff.

Civilian faction special skills

  • Civilian faction players will have special skills that allow them to do things that are not written in our normal game rules or work differently (ex. faster vehicle repair or healing of players). Skills can be positive or negative for the player who is affected by special skills. Some skills are needed for certain missions. These special skill holders always have skill cards to show if asked.

Civilians’ and UN’s special abilities to affect factions

  • The UN and civilians have an ability to affect a faction's resources and reputation in a positive or in a negative way. This will be defined by the faction's actions. (for example, vehicles speed and actions towards civilians and the UN). Effects will be shown in status.ehasa.org, subpage “Factions”.

Village rules and important villagers contact information

Bar Barian

  • At North of the village there is a new Bar next to the lake. This time they don’t provide any sauna services, but it is open for other businesses and you can swim in the lake. They offer cheap “vodka” and activities. Entry is free. Opening hours are random.

OC-spray/Taser/Baton, Knock out and Knife kill

  • We want to remind people that our rules also contain less lethal weapons which various factions/groups might have and which have their own effects. Specially civilian players and players acting in civilian villages should read and understand these! http://tstos21.ehasa.org/?page=rules&lang=en

Drugs and Pills used in Tarus Village area


  • These drugs and pills are made of sugar etc. and are safe to eat.
  • You don´t need to eat them if you don't want to, just destroy them when used.
  • Try to keep them clean from dirt and water (ex. use minigrip bag)
  • Pills that are for medicine use are legal. Others are illegal or restricted.
  • Some drugs and pills might be added later and are informed separetly.







Provides enough narcotics for drug addict for 1 day. Gives all kind of strange side effects.


Designer Drug

Provides enough power for addicts for 2 days. Gives many kind of strange long time side effects.


Radcure -medicine

Rare medicine which cures you from radiation disease.


Truth serum

Truth pills are in effect for four yes/no questions.


After consuming a truth pill, you must answer 3/4 of the questions asked truthfully and on one you can lie.


Forest mushroom -pill

If you are wounded and you eat a Forest Mushroom -pill, you are healed up instantly, but you die in 15 minutes.


Vomit -medicine

Heals vomit disease for 1 day.


Poison -pill

Kills the person who eats it in 2 minutes when given with water.

If given without water the pill kills instantly


Magic Dragon instaheal -pill

If you are wounded and you eat a Magic Dragon -pill, you are healed up instantly.



Civilian ID-cards

  • Civilians will have Ehasa provided ID-cards to present their ingame character. If a character changes for some reason, the player will have a new ID-card to prove that he is not anymore the same person.

Gun licenses

  • This year there will be gun licences for civilians. It is possible to carry an unlicensed gun, but there might be consequences. Gun licenses are given by Village leaders and Civilian GM Jere Vainio. It is also possible to get gun licenses through illegal ways. If a fighting faction comes across this kind of activity, they should report it to the UN officials.


  • Tstosnews.ehasa.org is a GM provided news site which follows what happens inside the game story. It also tells you money currency between Padasjoki €:s and Pata Coins. It also tells you the stock price of main factions' (how well they are doing in the game).
  • All Stock quotes of these can be found at https://tstosnews.ehasa.org/stock-quotes/

Battalion Prison

  • If a civilian character needs to be taken out, it is more recommended to prison him/her. Take him/her to factions “Prison” marker at status.ehasa.org and then inform  Mission GM about it. Instead of trying to “eliminate him” with shooting as it might not work.

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